10:09 PM

Top 2009. Lista 1: Exclusivo estreno en México

Notarán que algunas no son propiamente del 2009, however, esta lista sigue la regla estricta de escoger películas estrenadas en México en el 2009 (sin importar de qué año son realmente). Es la que presenté en CinemaNET el sábado 26 de diciembre -- Si no lo escucharon en radio old-school convencional, luego pongo el link aquí cuando esté online el podcast...

10. Sólo un sueño (Revolutionary Road)
April Wheeler: So now I'm crazy because I don't love you, right? Is that the point?
Frank Wheeler: No! Wrong! You're not crazy, and you do love me. That's the point, April.
April Wheeler: But I don't. I hate you. You were just some boy who made me laugh at a party once, and now I loathe the sight of you. In fact, if you come any closer, if you touch me or anything, I think I'll scream.

9. Nueva York en escena (Synecdoche, NY)
Caden Cotard: I don't menstruate, so I don't know how I could smell like I'm menstruating.

8. En Brujas (In Bruges)
Ken: Coming up?
Ray: What's up there?
Ken: The view.
Ray: The view of what? The view of down here? I can see that down here.
Ken: Ray, you are about the worst tourist in the whole world.
Ray: Ken, I grew up in Dublin. I love Dublin. If I grew up on a farm, and was retarded, Bruges might impress me but I didn't, so it doesn't.

7. Arrástrame al infierno (Drag Me To Hell)
Waitress: So you're just going to sit here all night, drinking coffee?
Christine Brown: Yes... No! Maybe! Whats it to you?
Waitress: Honey, I'm working a job where tips is my living, and coffee drinkers DON'T TIP!
Christine Brown: [Holds up envelope containing the cursed button] You keep the coffee coming honey, or I'll give you a tip you won't forget!

6. Déjame entrar (Let the Right One In)
Oskar: How old are you?
Eli: Twelve... more or less.

5. Estafa de amor (The Brothers Bloom)
Bloom: Do you feel cheated?
Penelope Stamp: The trick to not feeling cheated is to learn how to cheat.

4. Quisiera ser millonario (Slumdog Millionaire)
Prem Kumar: A few hours ago, you were giving chai for the phone walahs. And now you're richer than they will ever be. What a player!

3. Rachel Getting Married (El casamiento de Raquel)
Kym: You're a lawyer?
Kieran: Was. For about five minutes.
Kym: Say something Legal.
Kieran: Tort.

2. Inglourious Basterds (Bastardos sin gloria)
Col. Hans Landa: What's that English saying about shoes and feet?
Lt. Aldo Raine: "Looks like the shoe's on the other foot." Yeah, I was just thinking that.

1. (500) Days of Summer (500 días sin ella)
Tom: Why? What happens when you fall in love?
Summer: You don't believe in that...
Tom: What? It's love, not Santa Claus.


Unknown said...

Tom Garnett: It's all those good things you have in you. The love, the wisdom, the generosity, the selflessness, the patience. The patience! At 3 A.M. when everyone's awake because Ibrahim is sick and he can't find the bathroom and he's just puked all over Katki's bed. When you blink, when you blink! And it's 5:30 and it's time to get up again and you know you're going to be tired all day, all week, all your fucking life. And you're thinking what happened to Greece? What happened to swimming naked off the coast of Greece? And you have to be willing to make the family out of whatever you have.

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