7:59 PM

New Post

I have a great idea about an end of the year post.

But I don't have time.

Maybe later.

Otherwise, my final Christmas / End of the year special will coe at the beginning of next year...

Up next: White noise
7:59 PM

New Post

I have a great idea about an end of the year post.

But I don't have time.

Maybe later.

Otherwise, my final Christmas / End of the year special will coe at the beginning of next year...

Up next: White noise
11:32 AM

Christmas Special part II

I think it's called a cacophony? I believe, I believe, I believe...

And I believe both Ann Curry and Matt Lauer wanted to do a little more to this girl than try to justify her stupidity.

Up next: The number one quote of this year (according to the Yale Book of Quotations) was "Don't tase me, bro!". Number two was the girl you just heard. Number three was Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's comment at Columbia: "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country". I personally believe it should've been Seth Rogen's answer to "I was drunk!", he says: "Was your vagina drunk?!".
11:32 AM

Christmas Special part II

I think it's called a cacophony? I believe, I believe, I believe...

And I believe both Ann Curry and Matt Lauer wanted to do a little more to this girl than try to justify her stupidity.

Up next: The number one quote of this year (according to the Yale Book of Quotations) was "Don't tase me, bro!". Number two was the girl you just heard. Number three was Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's comment at Columbia: "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country". I personally believe it should've been Seth Rogen's answer to "I was drunk!", he says: "Was your vagina drunk?!".
8:17 PM

Christmas Special I

So my office Christmas party was today.

It was a costume party...

and they say Michael Scott's antics would never happen in real life.
8:17 PM

Christmas Special I

So my office Christmas party was today.

It was a costume party...

and they say Michael Scott's antics would never happen in real life.
8:44 PM

Stupid clerks

So I went to the store the other day...

A pack of Camels, please

Normal or 14's


We don't have any.

So then 14's

We don't have those either.

And there's twenty seconds of my life I'm never gonna get back.

Up next: There will come a point in which you'll realize you're probably smarter than everyone else. Unless you're not.
8:44 PM

Stupid clerks

So I went to the store the other day...

A pack of Camels, please

Normal or 14's


We don't have any.

So then 14's

We don't have those either.

And there's twenty seconds of my life I'm never gonna get back.

Up next: There will come a point in which you'll realize you're probably smarter than everyone else. Unless you're not.
7:07 AM

El Titanico

Up next: The reason why most people can't pronounce the word SFRITDFE, which means: "all is given if given is great".
7:07 AM

El Titanico

Up next: The reason why most people can't pronounce the word SFRITDFE, which means: "all is given if given is great".
2:14 PM

Pretend you can hear it too!

Supposedly this is what Mr. William Murray says to Scarlett O'Hanson at the end of the awesome kick-ass picture: Lost in Translation, in which both characters are apparently (if we agree with the ridiculous naming of the film in spanish) lost in Tokyo.

Almost simultaneously, I read another unrelated article that has a quote very fitting for this one: "It was one of these things like, 'Oh my god, no one's ever thought of this,' and it looks so obvious," Liza Shapiro of the University of Texas at Austin, who helped supervise the work, said in a telephone interview. You can read that completely unrelated article here.

Take a look and listen and draw your own conclusions. Or use the Jump to Conclusions mat, to avoid thinking for yourself. I hear that's in now.

Up next: Do you realize that in all likelihood you will one day say to your kids: "When I was young, there was a planet named Pluto"? And they'll blankly stare at you before mocking you with their biologically-enhanced cyborg friends.

2:14 PM

Pretend you can hear it too!

Supposedly this is what Mr. William Murray says to Scarlett O'Hanson at the end of the awesome kick-ass picture: Lost in Translation, in which both characters are apparently (if we agree with the ridiculous naming of the film in spanish) lost in Tokyo.

Almost simultaneously, I read another unrelated article that has a quote very fitting for this one: "It was one of these things like, 'Oh my god, no one's ever thought of this,' and it looks so obvious," Liza Shapiro of the University of Texas at Austin, who helped supervise the work, said in a telephone interview. You can read that completely unrelated article here.

Take a look and listen and draw your own conclusions. Or use the Jump to Conclusions mat, to avoid thinking for yourself. I hear that's in now.

Up next: Do you realize that in all likelihood you will one day say to your kids: "When I was young, there was a planet named Pluto"? And they'll blankly stare at you before mocking you with their biologically-enhanced cyborg friends.

11:47 AM


Not surprisingly, Tina Fey has been nominated for Best Comedy series (for the show she produces, 30 Rock... she herself is not actually a series... comedy or otherwise) and Best Actress at the Golden Globes. You can read the complete list of nominees here, OR you can watch a random video of a cute bear here.

Up next: A congrats to Alec Baldwin for also getting nominationed.
11:47 AM


Not surprisingly, Tina Fey has been nominated for Best Comedy series (for the show she produces, 30 Rock... she herself is not actually a series... comedy or otherwise) and Best Actress at the Golden Globes. You can read the complete list of nominees here, OR you can watch a random video of a cute bear here.

Up next: A congrats to Alec Baldwin for also getting nominationed.
1:35 PM

What would you do...

...for the flying car?

Who else, but Kevin Smith?

Up next: Something else I wish I had written.
1:35 PM

What would you do...

...for the flying car?

Who else, but Kevin Smith?

Up next: Something else I wish I had written.
7:43 AM

What Variety (Variety!) has to say on Benicio Del Toro

Benicio Del Toro... Click the image to enlarge.. or here for the original post on their site, though it'll be probably be gone by the time you see this...

Up next: You say M&M I say Eminem
7:43 AM

What Variety (Variety!) has to say on Benicio Del Toro

Benicio Del Toro... Click the image to enlarge.. or here for the original post on their site, though it'll be probably be gone by the time you see this...

Up next: You say M&M I say Eminem
6:48 AM

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam...

I got this email today:

And I wonder if there's anyone, anywhere, that responds to these things...

Up Next: It's Latin day! Con sangre caliente! Latina!

6:48 AM

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam...

I got this email today:

And I wonder if there's anyone, anywhere, that responds to these things...

Up Next: It's Latin day! Con sangre caliente! Latina!

9:29 AM

Graphic Palahniuk

Someone (may or may not be a renowned graphic artist) has graphic novelized Chuck Palahniuk's awesome Invisible Monsters and Lullaby.

Go. Now. Awesome.

It only makes me wish even more I could draw. But I can't.

Up next: More awesome things.
9:29 AM

Graphic Palahniuk

Someone (may or may not be a renowned graphic artist) has graphic novelized Chuck Palahniuk's awesome Invisible Monsters and Lullaby.

Go. Now. Awesome.

It only makes me wish even more I could draw. But I can't.

Up next: More awesome things.
5:50 AM

What Facebook thinks of me

The results in one of the many useles facebook applications, or apps, is that apparently I am either Michael
Or Jim...
So.... I guess I'm pretty much anyone...

Up next: A review of the only truly unique fantasy movie ever: The Chronicles of the Magical Stardust Golden Rings of Narnia.
5:50 AM

What Facebook thinks of me

The results in one of the many useles facebook applications, or apps, is that apparently I am either Michael
Or Jim...
So.... I guess I'm pretty much anyone...

Up next: A review of the only truly unique fantasy movie ever: The Chronicles of the Magical Stardust Golden Rings of Narnia.