3:54 PM

making POP

Clearly people in "the biz" know it. But I get the sense the general population doesn't. But one day they'll all realize that without this man there would be no pop music .

Just one recent example. And I actually dig this song. If you hit play, make sure your speakers are turned up to, at least, eleven. And listen out for the little MJ samples.

Up next: Just because I posted, it doesn't mean you can't still comment on earlier posts. Like the one below, about how Buffy is the second best show in the history of everything and how Lucy, The Twilight Zone, Get Smart and Dallas are not even mentioned on the list.
3:54 PM

making POP

Clearly people in "the biz" know it. But I get the sense the general population doesn't. But one day they'll all realize that without this man there would be no pop music .

Just one recent example. And I actually dig this song. If you hit play, make sure your speakers are turned up to, at least, eleven. And listen out for the little MJ samples.

Up next: Just because I posted, it doesn't mean you can't still comment on earlier posts. Like the one below, about how Buffy is the second best show in the history of everything and how Lucy, The Twilight Zone, Get Smart and Dallas are not even mentioned on the list.
10:09 PM

A train that sailed can still be caught on DVD...

Yes. A train that sailed.

Anyway, it seems I need to get on this Buffy train real fast. I hear it's incredible. And according to Empire magazine, it's the second best show in history. Ever. For as long as there have been television shows, only one has been better. That's a pretty bold statement.

Dear Empire Magazine:

Let's get this straight. You're saying a vampire-ass kicking teenage girl is better than Tony Soprano telling Chrissy he'll lead the family into the 21st century; better than Nate telling Claire she can't take a picture, the moment is gone; better than Charlie slamming his hand against the window telling us it's not Penny's boat; better than present-Hiro meeting future-badass-Hiro and telling him to save the cheerleader; better than Jerry announcing he is, indeed, master of his domain!; than JD daydreaming about playing catch with Dr. Cox; than Al looking pitifully at his cohost and saying "I don't think so, Tim"; than Doogie falling asleep on the toilet after being on guard all night; than Ross screaming to high heaven that we were on a break!; than Pacey arguing with Joey using a vernacular far above their mere highschool education thereby challenging the status-quo; than Michael saying he's not superstitious, he's just a litte-stitious; or David Brent explaining what it feels like to be famous; than Jessie breaking down screaming "I'm so excited! I'm so Scaaared!!"; than Parker Lewis and his buddies synchronizing watches; than Dick nervously speaking to The Big Giant Head; than Andy Millman receiving phone sex tips from Kate Winslet; than Liz Lemon playing highschool football; than Six frakking Dr. Baltar; than Nancy and her little boxes made of ticky-tacky; than Niles clumsily asking Daphne to come to the cabin with him; than John Cleese going on to Something Completely Different, or yelling at Manuel!; better than Sheldon explaining how Leonard has as much chance of going out with Penny as the Hubble Telescope has of finding that at the center of each black hole there's a little man with a flashlight trying to find the circuit breaker. In fact, you're not only saying all this, oh no, you're saying Buffy the Vampire Slayer is even better than Matt's pitch-perfect delivery of: "Guy walks into a doctor's office with a duck on his head. Doctor says, "What can I do for you?" Duck says, "Doc, can you get this guy off my ass?"? And better than Church Lady, Wayne's World, The Mango, Opera Man, Debbie Downer, and the Spartan Cheerleaders all put together?!

Really? Really Empire Magazine?

Ok, then. Fair enough. I'll take your word for it and begin the downloads. Err, I mean... trips to my local video rental shop.

By the way, on number one? What else? The Almighty Simpsons.

Find the list here.

Up next: I'll probably be arguing with myself about making a personal top 10 or something. And I'm not sure that's a battle I can win.

PS CONTEST: If you can name every show referenced, you might be eligible to win a prize.
10:09 PM

A train that sailed can still be caught on DVD...

Yes. A train that sailed.

Anyway, it seems I need to get on this Buffy train real fast. I hear it's incredible. And according to Empire magazine, it's the second best show in history. Ever. For as long as there have been television shows, only one has been better. That's a pretty bold statement.

Dear Empire Magazine:

Let's get this straight. You're saying a vampire-ass kicking teenage girl is better than Tony Soprano telling Chrissy he'll lead the family into the 21st century; better than Nate telling Claire she can't take a picture, the moment is gone; better than Charlie slamming his hand against the window telling us it's not Penny's boat; better than present-Hiro meeting future-badass-Hiro and telling him to save the cheerleader; better than Jerry announcing he is, indeed, master of his domain!; than JD daydreaming about playing catch with Dr. Cox; than Al looking pitifully at his cohost and saying "I don't think so, Tim"; than Doogie falling asleep on the toilet after being on guard all night; than Ross screaming to high heaven that we were on a break!; than Pacey arguing with Joey using a vernacular far above their mere highschool education thereby challenging the status-quo; than Michael saying he's not superstitious, he's just a litte-stitious; or David Brent explaining what it feels like to be famous; than Jessie breaking down screaming "I'm so excited! I'm so Scaaared!!"; than Parker Lewis and his buddies synchronizing watches; than Dick nervously speaking to The Big Giant Head; than Andy Millman receiving phone sex tips from Kate Winslet; than Liz Lemon playing highschool football; than Six frakking Dr. Baltar; than Nancy and her little boxes made of ticky-tacky; than Niles clumsily asking Daphne to come to the cabin with him; than John Cleese going on to Something Completely Different, or yelling at Manuel!; better than Sheldon explaining how Leonard has as much chance of going out with Penny as the Hubble Telescope has of finding that at the center of each black hole there's a little man with a flashlight trying to find the circuit breaker. In fact, you're not only saying all this, oh no, you're saying Buffy the Vampire Slayer is even better than Matt's pitch-perfect delivery of: "Guy walks into a doctor's office with a duck on his head. Doctor says, "What can I do for you?" Duck says, "Doc, can you get this guy off my ass?"? And better than Church Lady, Wayne's World, The Mango, Opera Man, Debbie Downer, and the Spartan Cheerleaders all put together?!

Really? Really Empire Magazine?

Ok, then. Fair enough. I'll take your word for it and begin the downloads. Err, I mean... trips to my local video rental shop.

By the way, on number one? What else? The Almighty Simpsons.

Find the list here.

Up next: I'll probably be arguing with myself about making a personal top 10 or something. And I'm not sure that's a battle I can win.

PS CONTEST: If you can name every show referenced, you might be eligible to win a prize.
2:40 PM

Open question

Do you know? Are there languages in sign language? Hmmm let me rephrase: Is there a different way in which you sign things in english than in spanish (or danish, for that matter)? Or is it truly and absolutely a completely different language? And if so, why aren't kids taught to sign in school? One would think THIS would be the truly universal language, no?

Maybe I don't know shit. This is, after all, a question.

Up next: The signing gorilla in Congo, a hoax? The missing link? Discuss.

2:40 PM

Open question

Do you know? Are there languages in sign language? Hmmm let me rephrase: Is there a different way in which you sign things in english than in spanish (or danish, for that matter)? Or is it truly and absolutely a completely different language? And if so, why aren't kids taught to sign in school? One would think THIS would be the truly universal language, no?

Maybe I don't know shit. This is, after all, a question.

Up next: The signing gorilla in Congo, a hoax? The missing link? Discuss.

8:51 PM

Recordando Florecia: Parte uno

Este año se cumplen 10 años de Historia del Arte en Florencia. Para recordarlo, escribiré en español. Busquen más historias Florentinas en las semanas próximas.

"This actually did happen to a real person, and the real person is me." –Douglas Adams

Una de las historias que mejor y con mayor alegría recuerdo de mi breve estancia en la ciudad más renacentista de todas, Florencia, hace ya casi diez (¡10!) años, es aquella a la que he decidido de manera completa y absolutamente aleatoria denominar: "El viernes en que nos quedamos dormidos todo el día hasta la mañana del día siguiente que por razones lógicas, era sábado".

Y bueno, para empezar el relato, debes saber que en Florencia compartí el cuarto con mi amigo "Roberto" (cuyo nombre puede o no haber sido alterado por propósitos legales). El cuarto que compartíamos estaba en el sótano de una casa enorme. O por lo menos así la recuerdo. A la entrada (porque has de saber que teníamos entrada independiente) había unas flores que, aunque todavía no averiguo cómo se llaman, siempre que las huelo me recuerdan aquel verano.

Así pues. En esta particular ocasión de la que me dispongo a platicar, la Señora Dueña de la Casa cuyo verdadero nombre se me escapa en este momento (aunque si soy honesto, no sé si alguna vez me lo supe) nos había cocinado un abundante desayuno y tocó nuestra puerta para invitarnos al comedor.

Aunque nosotros, como ya te imaginarás por el título del relato, estábamos profundamente dormidos.

Un poco de backstory: El jueves por la noche nos develamos. Mucho. Es posible que ni siquiera hayamos dormido. Así, el viernes después de clases, como a las 3 de la tarde, nos acostamos un rato para descansar un poco. Ese descansar un poco, se convirtió en un sueño profundo que no terminó sino hasta la mañana del día siguiente (sábado, pon atención).

En fin, dormíamos tan profundamente, que al parecer habíamos logrado ignorar la alarma que nos debería despertar temprano el sábado, pues nos habían citado a las 8 AM en una plaza de donde partiríamos a Venecia. O Pisa. O algún lugar así. Obviamente, ése no es el punto de estas memorias.

Y así, en cuanto escuchamos la puerta, despertamos y nos percatamos que habíamos logrado dormir toda la tarde y toda la noche y probablemente en este momento todos nuestros compañeros partían hacia Venecia. O Pisa. O algún lugar así. Saliendo del cuarto, y en un italiano que no envidiaría ni Tony Soprano, le explicamos a la Señora Dueña de la Casa que nos teníamos que ir. Que nos había dejado el camión. Que nos disculpara. Que habíamos dormido demasiado. Aunque probablemente ella entendió lo mismo que si le hubieramos dictado el Plan de Ayala.

Ni modo. No pudimos desayunar con ella ni probar lo que sea que haya preparado. Ni tampoco llegamos al camión. Por supuesto que no. Estábamos demasiado tarde. Así, entramos a un McDonald's (estábamos en Italia, ¿a dónde más íbamos a ir...?) y comenzamos a planear nuestro día. Haríamos tal cosa, veríamos tal otra cosa... Y Venecia (o Pisa, o lo que fuera), tendría que esperar para otra ocasión. Por la ventana, vimos que el cielo oscurecía. Al parecer una lluvia nos arruinaría el día un poco más.

Resignados, salimos a la calle y observamos la nube negra que ya estaba sobre nosotros. Pero algo no estaba bien. Continuamos observando el cielo y entre más lo veíamos, menos parecía una nube. Y entre más lo observamos, más nos caía el veinte.

Entonces, vi a mi amigo y él me vio a mi. Y así, le dije: "Oye... No serán las 8... de la noche?".

No recuerdo que hicimos después de reír un buen rato. "Ganamos un día", dijo mi amigo, "Como en Charlie Brown", le contesté. Y ya. Total que el desayuno que preparó la Señora Dueña de la Casa era cena y nunca supimos qué era. Y nunca nos volvió a cocinar tampoco.

Y esa es mi primer historia de este ciclo sobre las memorias en preparación para el décimo aniversario del viaje a Florencia.

Dejen sus comentarios o anécdotas propias abajo.

Lo que está en mi mente ahorita: "Just Like Honey", de The Jesus And Mary Chain, del soundtrack de Lost In Translation.
8:51 PM

Recordando Florecia: Parte uno

Este año se cumplen 10 años de Historia del Arte en Florencia. Para recordarlo, escribiré en español. Busquen más historias Florentinas en las semanas próximas.

"This actually did happen to a real person, and the real person is me." –Douglas Adams

Una de las historias que mejor y con mayor alegría recuerdo de mi breve estancia en la ciudad más renacentista de todas, Florencia, hace ya casi diez (¡10!) años, es aquella a la que he decidido de manera completa y absolutamente aleatoria denominar: "El viernes en que nos quedamos dormidos todo el día hasta la mañana del día siguiente que por razones lógicas, era sábado".

Y bueno, para empezar el relato, debes saber que en Florencia compartí el cuarto con mi amigo "Roberto" (cuyo nombre puede o no haber sido alterado por propósitos legales). El cuarto que compartíamos estaba en el sótano de una casa enorme. O por lo menos así la recuerdo. A la entrada (porque has de saber que teníamos entrada independiente) había unas flores que, aunque todavía no averiguo cómo se llaman, siempre que las huelo me recuerdan aquel verano.

Así pues. En esta particular ocasión de la que me dispongo a platicar, la Señora Dueña de la Casa cuyo verdadero nombre se me escapa en este momento (aunque si soy honesto, no sé si alguna vez me lo supe) nos había cocinado un abundante desayuno y tocó nuestra puerta para invitarnos al comedor.

Aunque nosotros, como ya te imaginarás por el título del relato, estábamos profundamente dormidos.

Un poco de backstory: El jueves por la noche nos develamos. Mucho. Es posible que ni siquiera hayamos dormido. Así, el viernes después de clases, como a las 3 de la tarde, nos acostamos un rato para descansar un poco. Ese descansar un poco, se convirtió en un sueño profundo que no terminó sino hasta la mañana del día siguiente (sábado, pon atención).

En fin, dormíamos tan profundamente, que al parecer habíamos logrado ignorar la alarma que nos debería despertar temprano el sábado, pues nos habían citado a las 8 AM en una plaza de donde partiríamos a Venecia. O Pisa. O algún lugar así. Obviamente, ése no es el punto de estas memorias.

Y así, en cuanto escuchamos la puerta, despertamos y nos percatamos que habíamos logrado dormir toda la tarde y toda la noche y probablemente en este momento todos nuestros compañeros partían hacia Venecia. O Pisa. O algún lugar así. Saliendo del cuarto, y en un italiano que no envidiaría ni Tony Soprano, le explicamos a la Señora Dueña de la Casa que nos teníamos que ir. Que nos había dejado el camión. Que nos disculpara. Que habíamos dormido demasiado. Aunque probablemente ella entendió lo mismo que si le hubieramos dictado el Plan de Ayala.

Ni modo. No pudimos desayunar con ella ni probar lo que sea que haya preparado. Ni tampoco llegamos al camión. Por supuesto que no. Estábamos demasiado tarde. Así, entramos a un McDonald's (estábamos en Italia, ¿a dónde más íbamos a ir...?) y comenzamos a planear nuestro día. Haríamos tal cosa, veríamos tal otra cosa... Y Venecia (o Pisa, o lo que fuera), tendría que esperar para otra ocasión. Por la ventana, vimos que el cielo oscurecía. Al parecer una lluvia nos arruinaría el día un poco más.

Resignados, salimos a la calle y observamos la nube negra que ya estaba sobre nosotros. Pero algo no estaba bien. Continuamos observando el cielo y entre más lo veíamos, menos parecía una nube. Y entre más lo observamos, más nos caía el veinte.

Entonces, vi a mi amigo y él me vio a mi. Y así, le dije: "Oye... No serán las 8... de la noche?".

No recuerdo que hicimos después de reír un buen rato. "Ganamos un día", dijo mi amigo, "Como en Charlie Brown", le contesté. Y ya. Total que el desayuno que preparó la Señora Dueña de la Casa era cena y nunca supimos qué era. Y nunca nos volvió a cocinar tampoco.

Y esa es mi primer historia de este ciclo sobre las memorias en preparación para el décimo aniversario del viaje a Florencia.

Dejen sus comentarios o anécdotas propias abajo.

Lo que está en mi mente ahorita: "Just Like Honey", de The Jesus And Mary Chain, del soundtrack de Lost In Translation.
9:52 PM

Big Banging Television

Now this is must-see TV. Too bad for the laugh-track though... that's so 90's... gosh!

Up next: Now that we're on the subject of awesomeness... If someone could go ahead and bring back Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, that would be great... M-kay? Now, if you could have HBO do it, that would be even better...
9:52 PM

Big Banging Television

Now this is must-see TV. Too bad for the laugh-track though... that's so 90's... gosh!

Up next: Now that we're on the subject of awesomeness... If someone could go ahead and bring back Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, that would be great... M-kay? Now, if you could have HBO do it, that would be even better...
6:41 AM

This conversation can serve no purpose any longer

This is not a news show. In fact, it's not even a show.

But this is important.

Arthur C. Clarke, the legendary science fiction writer whose work inspired the classic Stanley Kubrick2001: A Space Odyssey, died early Wednesday at his home in Sri Lanka; he was 90.

Read it here.

Up next: I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

6:41 AM

This conversation can serve no purpose any longer

This is not a news show. In fact, it's not even a show.

But this is important.

Arthur C. Clarke, the legendary science fiction writer whose work inspired the classic Stanley Kubrick2001: A Space Odyssey, died early Wednesday at his home in Sri Lanka; he was 90.

Read it here.

Up next: I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

7:30 AM


I keep telling you, man! Richard Linklater is awesome.

I just found out about this, but apparently Mr. Linklater has been making a film for 6 years and will continue to do so for some 5 years more.

Boyhood (or The 12-Year Movie) is a working title for the upcoming motion picture directed by Richard Linklater and starring Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette. The movie is set to be released around 2013. The movie tells a story of two divorced parents trying to raise their precocious child. It will span 12 years, beginning when the child is 6 years old and ending around the time he graduates high school.
Up next: Also check out Seven Up! A series of documentaries that have followed the lives of 14 children since 1964. Starting when they were seven years old, and coming back to them every 7 years.

7:30 AM


I keep telling you, man! Richard Linklater is awesome.

I just found out about this, but apparently Mr. Linklater has been making a film for 6 years and will continue to do so for some 5 years more.

Boyhood (or The 12-Year Movie) is a working title for the upcoming motion picture directed by Richard Linklater and starring Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette. The movie is set to be released around 2013. The movie tells a story of two divorced parents trying to raise their precocious child. It will span 12 years, beginning when the child is 6 years old and ending around the time he graduates high school.
Up next: Also check out Seven Up! A series of documentaries that have followed the lives of 14 children since 1964. Starting when they were seven years old, and coming back to them every 7 years.

5:05 PM

Hollywood Ending

One of Woody Allen's lesser appreciated works, this 2002 film starring Tea Leoni and Woody himself, has very little to do with this alternate (and I say better) ending to last year's (or this year's, depending where in the world you are) Will Smith film: I Am Legend.

Up next: I know there's alternate endings, and there's alternate beginnings. But can there ever be alternate second plot points? Discuss.
5:05 PM

Hollywood Ending

One of Woody Allen's lesser appreciated works, this 2002 film starring Tea Leoni and Woody himself, has very little to do with this alternate (and I say better) ending to last year's (or this year's, depending where in the world you are) Will Smith film: I Am Legend.

Up next: I know there's alternate endings, and there's alternate beginnings. But can there ever be alternate second plot points? Discuss.