2:40 PM

Open question

Do you know? Are there languages in sign language? Hmmm let me rephrase: Is there a different way in which you sign things in english than in spanish (or danish, for that matter)? Or is it truly and absolutely a completely different language? And if so, why aren't kids taught to sign in school? One would think THIS would be the truly universal language, no?

Maybe I don't know shit. This is, after all, a question.

Up next: The signing gorilla in Congo, a hoax? The missing link? Discuss.


Mr. T said...

Yes. There are many sign languages around the world. Although if I had to guess I'd say ASL is far more dominant among the total sign language 'speakers' of the world than any one spoken language is among all speaking peoples.

And actually, ASL is taught as an additional lenguage in many high schools and colleges.

Still though, I bet spoken languages are way more efficient and have higher throughputs than sign languages. I might though be severely understimating the range of expressions subtle hand movements can achieve.

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