4:58 PM


At some point something came from nothing...

Whether this makes sense or not is irrelevant. For this concept has had us bewildered for centuries. And, whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter, for there lies another similar yet more important question: Why, indeed, did the chicken cross the road?

It has been said that this chicken only wanted to get to the other side, and if so, the question would then be: Why? Why would a chicken absolutely need to get to the other side? Was there not enough satisfaction for it on the side it was already in?

Skeptics throughout history have questioned the actual existence of this chicken. They have justified its existence in popular thought, by stating that the idea of a chicken superseding its peers and migrating to a different setting helps people believe in themselves and in some way or another gives them hope in following their dreams.

However, we will not dig in deeper into this line of thought, simply because there are too many sociological implications in denying that which has become a symbol of our society and our history.

Now, who and where does this chicken come from? The chicken has been said to have been brought up in an atmosphere where a chicken’s right of freedom was withdrawn from them. You see, it was a very turbulent time in chicken history when this chicken was born.
Up next, maybe: A trip to the giftshop, but first, click here for more chicken


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