10:58 AM

It's back!! And it's great!!

A lot of people blog from their offices. It's a nice way to avoid doing what you're supposed to be doing. But there's only one person who actually blogs from the only office that matters:
THE Office.
I’m on set in the deep background of a scene. Dwight, Andy and Angela are in the kitchen and I’m at my desk pretending to work. I was sitting here, answering emails and reading gossip sites and I thought, "Hey, why not blog a bit!" So, here I am. Not too different from when I was a real receptionist. Funny how life works sometimes huh?
Awesome right?! I don't know if you have to have a YourSpace to read this, but get poppin!

Up next: The Office, 30Rock, Battlestar... they're all back and everything is right with the world again. Except hunger and famine and poverty and wars and all those things we can do nothing about. Except joining Facebook groups that support one cause or another.


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