10:46 AM

In the name of the 12 colonies!!!!! Today is frakking today!!!!

I saw a t-shirt that said "Put It In Your Blog", so I will: The geek living in me (no, not kuato) needs to pretend a million people read this, and announce to those millions that while I am not, in fact, Spartacus (or Brian), it's true that Battlestar Galactica returns today (!!). Of course, I also read a t-shirt that said "No One Cares About Your Blog", so you never know.

Here's a recap:

Here's a picture of the crew:

Up next: More clever t-shirts such as: "God Loves You. Everyone Else Thinks You're an Asshole", "There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary, and those who don't."; "I support Brooke White"; "This is my t-shirt"; "This T-Shirt is Cleverer than You"; "How Sad is it that I Rely on T-Shirts to Meet Girls?"; "I Bought This T-Shirt"; "If I Wear This T-Shirt Long Enough, It'll Wear Out"; "Vote For Pedro"; "I Would've Voted For Pedro"; "I'd Like to Vote For Pedro, But He's Not Real"; and the always classic "Fuck Pedro. Pedro sucks."


DoniaEsa said...

I like that "Vote for Pedro" shirt, he doesn't suck at all, he likes the santo niño de atocha and so did I, in a differente stage of my life.

Once I saw a short film that was called "The tshirt" and it was about to guys fighting over what a Tshirt said. In the front you could read "God is dead. Nietzche" so the guy that reads it totaly freaks out, but at the end you get to read the part in the back that says "Nietzche is dead. God"

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