10:34 AM

Dylan and me

I'm sitting somewhere in the auditorium, before the music begins to play. My friend brought binoculars, which was good because I was able to prove once and for all that ol' Bob really does take his 2004 Oscar on tour with him. Awesome, right?

So the show begins and it's everything you'd expect it to be. Except for the sound which for some reason was kind of terrible. I'd tell you, but really, I'm no sound engineer.

So Dylan played a bunch of songs, very few of which the audience as a whole was able to recognize, save for when he said "Like a rolling stone", and then everyone cheered, stood up, clapped, yelled and "sang" along. It reminded me of Man on the Moon. You know, the scene where Andy Kaufman plays a college audience who barely reacts until he goes into his Latka voice and says his trademark "Tank you beddy mach". But this, to a man who once played a show where everyone was booing him, should not matter in the least bit.

Other mostly rearranged songs he played where: It Ain't Me Babe, Things Have Changed, The Levee's Gonna Break and Blowin' in the Wind.

He didn't play Ballad of a Thin Man. But my iPod did later that night, so ev
erything turned out fine.

All in all, great show. This was also his first date on this tour.

Up next: The entire cast of Hairspray performing in Central Park tomorrow.


Adán said...

As the "binoculars guy" I can only say that the Oscar was there, that nobody recognized the songs and that Dylan is better on my ipod!
But what the hell, in the future I will be able to tell my kids (grandchildren maybe) that I saw "the man", "the greatest", "the only"... and then say bah!

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