2:36 AM

Illiterate Programming

showing or marked by a lack of familiarity with language and literature b : violating approved patterns of speaking or writing

the planning, scheduling, or performing of a program

Secondary Entry: pro·gram
a performance broadcast on radio or television... or on the interwebs as part of one them "blogs"

Note to the READER:
Please be advised:
Warning to follow:
Actual Notice Begins Now:

Please warn yourself. Little to none of this will make a lot of sense in the traditional sense. Not in the way that when someone says "why, I've been waiting here for 100 years!" and someone else responds: "Well, that doesn't make sense!". Not in that way, because that is an exaggeration, a hyperbole, a figurative sense, and not in a nonsensical way.

Now, when I say "
Little to none of this will make a lot of sense in the traditional sense", I mean the kind of lack of sense you get when for example someone next to you, standing on the queue waiting for the bus to arrive, says: "Hello, young hut, there seems to be and odd family gathering of squaggletoads up ahead, about 3 minutes from where I was yesterday morning. You know, before the light of day began hissing through the underwater channels down by Tupi Street, next to the old Chandelier."

That kind of nonsense.

And John Cleese will have no part in the writing, developing or marketing this b-log.


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